
Caren Buening is appointed to the role of Market Manager, Germany P&C Treaties. As of January 1st, 2018, she will take full responsibility for the German P&C market.

Articles d'experts

This publication by the Chief Risk Officer Forum, of which SCOR is an active member, discusses the risks and opportunities for the insurance sector linked to the rise of Big Data and the new EU General Data Protection

Articles d'experts

During her presentation titled “Longevity: recent trends and the role for (re)insurers to meet the challenges” at the SCOR Conference 2017, Daria Ossipova, Head of Health and Longevity R&D at SCOR Global Life, add

Articles d'experts

Michal Zajac, Senior Economist at SCOR, published in the French review “Risques” a global overview of the specificities and challenges of space insurance.

1 décembre 2017 - 00h00

Par nature très volatil, le marché des risques spatiaux se trouve peut-être à la veille d'une intensification de l'activité spatiale, principalement du fait de l'arrivée de nouveaux acteurs qui promeuvent un véritable