8 décembre 2017 - 00h00

Se l’incidenza delle valvulopatie è poco rilevante osservando la popolazione in generale, attestandosi al 2,5% circa, fra i pazienti di età superiore a 75 anni la percentuale sale al 10 - 15%.

Articles d'experts

During her presentation titled “Longevity: recent trends and the role for (re)insurers to meet the challenges” at the SCOR Conference 2017, Daria Ossipova, Head of Health and Longevity R&D at SCOR Global Life, add

6 décembre 2017 - 00h00

Presentation of Daria Ossipova about “Longevity: recent trends and the role for (re)insurers to meet the challenges” at the SCOR Annual Conference SCOR.

6 décembre 2017 - 00h00

Biography of Daria Ossipova, Head of Health and Longevity R&D at SCOR Global Life