Each year, SCOR rewards the best academic work in the field of actuarial science with prizes in several countries. Designed to promote actuarial science, to develop and encourage research in this field and to contribute to the improvement of risk knowledge and management, these prizes are recognized as a mark of excellence in the insurance and reinsurance industries. From October to December 2017, the SCOR Actuarial Awards were held in five countries: France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK.

The SCOR Actuarial Awards juries are composed of internationally recognized researchers and insurance, reinsurance and finance professionals. The winners are selected for their command of actuarial concepts, the quality of their analytical methods, and the originality of their research in terms of scientific advances and potential practical applications to the world of risk management.


On December 14 in Paris, Denis Kessler, Chairman & CEO of SCOR, and André Lévy-Lang, President of the jury, presented the actuarial awards for France, in conjunction with the French Institute of Actuaries.


This year, the jury selected 3 winners:


-        Khalil Said, of the University of Lyon’s Institute of Financial and Insurance Sciences (ISFA), received the Young Doctors’ prize for his thesis titled “Mesures de risque multivariées et applications en science actuarielle” (Multivariate risk measures and actuarial science applications).

-        Julien Vedani, of the University of Lyon’s Institute of Financial and Insurance Sciences (ISFA), received a special mention for his thesis titled “Conceptualisation et Mise en Œuvre du processus Own Risk and Solvency Assessment pour l’Assurance Vie” (Conceptualization and Implementation of the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment process for Life Insurance).

-        Jennifer Pariente of the Paris-Dauphine University received the Young Actuaries’ prize for her dissertation titled “La modélisation du risque géographique en assurance habitation” (Geographic risk modelling for home insurance).



In the videos below the prizewinners discuss their work, their reactions to the awards, and their plans for the future.


Khalil Said - SCOR Young Doctor's prize

Julien Vedani - Special Mention for his thesis

Jennifer Pariente - SCOR Young Actuarie's prize


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