Pour un développement durable et responsable.
Régis Bettinger, Quantitative Financial Risk Analyst at SCOR, Michel Dacorogna (DEAR-Consulting, former SCOR Scientific Advisor) and Jeta Limani (former SCOR trainee), have written a SCOR Paper on the benefits of dive
More than 280 corporate investors have addressed a letter to the heads of state and governments of the G7 and G20 nations, urging them to do everything they can to implement the Paris Agreement signed during COP21.
Fifty-three investors, health systems, pension funds and insurers, representing USD 3.8 trillion in assets under management, have signed a statement, led by AMP Capital, AXA, CalPERS and SCOR, to World Health Organiza
Frieder Knüpling, Chief Risk Officer of SCOR, talks about the key threats to the insurance industry presented by political instability at the 14th Annual Round Table of Chief Risk Officers (ART of CROs), hosted by MAP
Résultats du premier trimestre 2017.
Toutes les résolutions proposées ont été adoptées par l’Assemblée Générale Mixte de SCOR du 27 avril 2017
Chairman & CEO of SCOR, Denis Kessler publishes an editorial piece in the French weekly Challenges, covering economic, political and financial current events in France and worldwide.