Al started his career in Information Technology, where he worked as a software engineer in life insurance illustration software.
When the war brought grain exports to a standstill, (re)insurance was key to the solution
Volume 2 – Scenarios modelling and implication to mortality
Le conseil d’administration de SCOR, réuni le 25 juin 2023, a décidé à l’unanimité de nommer Fabrice Brégier président non exécutif, avec effet immédiat.
Manuela will take over as Legal Representative for the Italian branch.
Carolyn is responsible for leading the mortality and lapse experience research including projects related to post-level term experience, cause of death analysis and mortality improvement.
James is a director of underwriting, R&D at SCOR with more than 15 years of experience in the Life insurance industry.
How life and health insurers can drive better health outcomes and address the protection gap
As Head of Behavioral Science with SCOR’s global research function, the Knowledge team, Aisling focuses on improving our understanding of policyholder behavior and applying behavioral economics research to gain insigh