SCOR Global Life conclut un contrat de longévité avec Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Sun Life).
SCOR Global Life conclut un contrat de longévité avec Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Sun Life).
This focus analyses the Motor Insurance & Reinsurance market from various different angles, ranging from technical to general aspects of motors.
La question du mode de financement, voire du contrôle des hausses des coûts des soins de santé, fait l’objet d’importants débats et discussions au Canada.
We model a financial market in which companies engage in strategic financial reporting knowing that investors only pay attention to a randomly drawn sample from fi rms reports and extrapolate from this sample.
Lors des renouvellements au 1er janvier 2015, SCOR Global P&C enregistre une croissance des primes brutes de 2,4 % à taux de change constants à EUR 2,8 milliards, tout en assurant une quasi-stabilité de la rentabi
At the 1 January 2015 renewals, SCOR Global P&C delivers gross written premium growth of 2.4% at constant exchange rates to EUR 2.8 billion, while maintaining expected technical profitability quasi stable compared
At the 1 January 2015 renewals, SCOR Global P&C delivers gross written premium growth of 2.4% at constant exchange rates to EUR 2.8 billion, while maintaining expected technical profitability quasi stable compared