Rapport financier semestriel 2017
The risk of a volcanic eruption close to a major world city is increasing. Is the reinsurance industry prepared for the potential losses?
This newsletter gives an overview of the main volcanic eruptions around the world over the past two centuries. The risk of a volcanic eruption close to a major world city is increasing.
SCOR is pleased to share Parts I, II and III of itsTechnical Newsletter on Agriculture Insurance.
Following part I and part II of the Guide to Agriculture Insurance which focused on the use of new technologies for the development of insurance products, this part III highlights some of the challenges we face in ass
Pour les assureurs confrontés à une faible croissance de leur chiffre d’affaires et à une rentabilité sous la pression de conditions macroéconomiques, politiques, réglementaires et financières parfois difficiles, la g
As a sign of recognition of its exceptional service and strong position in the Romanian market, the ‘Reinsurer of the Year Award’ has been granted to SCOR during the FIAR Conference 2017.
This publication focuses on how all parties involved, drone owners and operators, drone manufacturers, authorities and insurers, have to adapt their risk management processes to mitigate potential damage caused by dro
This second volume focuses on satellite imagery technology and assesses the key factors to be taken into account in the agricultural and insurance decision-making process.
Résultats du premier trimestre 2017.