(Article en anglais) SCOR calls on (re)insurers to help convey the broad health benefits of getting the Covid-19 vaccination
Cancer survivors face new challenges in finding insurance coverage that accepts a cancer history
(Article en anglais) How SCOR is working with its clients to transform Life insurance from a product to an experience
SCOR lance Vitae, un calculateur de risque biométrique à la pointe de la technologie
SCOR lance Vitae, un calculateur de risque biométrique à la pointe de la technologie
(en anglais) Personalized programs for life insurance carriers and their customers in the United States
LoanMatch Protector provides life insurance tailored to loan amortization schedules, including mortgage and small business loans.
Le conseil d’administration de SCOR, réuni ce jour, s’est prononcé sur la succession de Denis Kessler, président directeur général.
(Article en anglais) In this publication, SCOR provides an overview of the latest medical studies to keep in mind when adapting medical underwriting to our COVID-19 environment.