Denis Kessler, Chairman & CEO of SCOR, discusses economic, political and financial current events in his editorial for the French publication Challenges.
SCOR Global Life annonce les nominations suivantes en France
The Risk Radar, published annually since 2005 by the CRO Forum’s Emerging Risks Initiative, classifies each risk by its nature, determining its time horizon and its expected impact.
In its latest publication, the CRO Forum examines how to adapt existing governance to cover Big Data tools.
Chairman & CEO of SCOR, Denis Kessler publishes an editorial piece in the French weekly Challenges, covering economic, political and financial current events in France and worldwide.
An interview with Claire Le Gall-Robinson, Group General Secretary about SCOR’s Social and Environmental commitment.
Les actionnaires de SCOR expriment leur opposition à la tentative de déstabilisation menée par le fonds activiste CIAM
Résultats du premier trimestre 2019