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Le 3e Prix Européen Jeune Chercheur-SCOR, financé par la Fondation d’entreprise SCOR pour la Science, a été attribué au Docteur Lawrence Rajendran, de l’Université de Zurich.
The 3rd SCOR Young European Researcher Prize, financed by the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science, was awarded to Dr Lawrence Rajendran of the University of Zurich.
In December 2015, 195 countries adopted the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal at the COP21 conference in Paris.
Chairman & CEO of SCOR, Denis Kessler publishes an editorial piece in the French weekly Challenges, covering economic, political and financial current events in France and worldwide.
Renouvellements de janvier 2016.
SCOR Global P&C continues to perform in lasting soft market conditions.
SCOR Global P&C continues to perform in lasting soft market conditions.
SCOR Global P&C continue d’enregistrer de bonnes performances dans un marché qui reste très compétitif
New Publication from the Reinsurance Advisory Board