The Risk Radar, published annually since 2005 by the CRO Forum’s Emerging Risks Initiative, classifies each risk by its nature, determining its time horizon and its expected impact.
The Risk Radar, published annually since 2005 by the CRO Forum’s Emerging Risks Initiative, classifies each risk by its nature, determining its time horizon and its expected impact.
The market is now assigning a probability of 80% to a reduction in US rates before the end of the year.
In its latest publication, the CRO Forum examines how to adapt existing governance to cover Big Data tools.
In its latest publication, the CRO Forum examines how to adapt existing governance to cover Big Data tools.
SCOR place avec succès une nouvelle obligation catastrophe (« cat bond »), Atlas Capital UK 2019 PLC, qui fournit au Groupe une couverture pluriannuelle de USD 250 millions contre les risques d’ouragans aux États-Unis
SCOR place avec succès une nouvelle obligation catastrophe (« cat bond »), Atlas Capital UK 2019 PLC, qui fournit au Groupe une couverture pluriannuelle de USD 250 millions contre les risques d’ouragans aux États-Unis
SCOR Investment Partners, la filiale de gestion de portefeuille du groupe SCOR, a signé un accord en vue de l’acquisition de 100% du capital de Coriolis Capital Limited (Coriolis Capital)
SCOR Investment Partners, la filiale de gestion de portefeuille du groupe SCOR, a signé un accord en vue de l’acquisition de 100% du capital de Coriolis Capital Limited (Coriolis Capital)
Fabrice Rossary, Chief Investment Officer at SCOR Investment Partners, looks at eurozone banks compared to their American counterparts.