Speaking at the SCOR Annual Conference 2018, Joan Lamm-Tennant, CEO and Founder of startup Blue Marble Microinsurance, launched in 2015, talks about the company’s mission to bring insurance solutions to the poor.
Articles d'experts
26 octobre 2018
Communiqué de presse
Résultats des neuf premiers mois de 2018
Articles d'experts
23 octobre 2018
Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer in women, where approximately 1 in 8 are diagnosed with this disease during their lifetime.
Articles d'experts
22 octobre 2018
Speaking at the SCOR Annual Conference 2018, Ian Kirk, Group Chief Executive Officer of Sanlam, explains why and how his group decided to embed Environmental, Social and corporate Governance (ESG) considerations into
18 octobre 2018
The 5th SCOR Sweden Re Actuarial Prize was awarded to Länsförsäkringar Fondliv Actuary Masar Al-Mosawi, during the Nordic Life Insurance Conference in Stockholm on October 12, 2018.