SCOR enregistre une solide performance au 1er trimestre 2014, avec un résultat net en hausse de 21,6% à EUR 135 millions
SCOR delivers a strong performance for the first quarter 2014 with a net income of EUR 135 million, up 21.6%
SCOR delivers a strong performance for the first quarter 2014 with a net income of EUR 135 million, up 21.6%
Renouvellements du 1er avril de SCOR Global P&C.
Les renouvellements du 1er avril de SCOR Global P&C se traduisent par une croissance des primes de 8,5 %, avec une rentabilité anticipée conforme aux objectifs fixés
The SCOR Global P&C 1 April renewals lead to premium growth of 8.5% with expected profitability well within targets
The SCOR Global P&C 1 April renewals lead to premium growth of 8.5% with expected profitability well within targets.
The pharmaceutical industry has been actively seeking the ideal treatment for hepatitis C for years: a treatment whose features would be an eradication of the virus from the body in 100% of cases.
The Deepwater Horizon accident has led to a re-evaluation of deepwater drilling procedures.
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