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Marco Zito Conference at SCOR Paris auditorium
"Matter, antimatter, neutrinos: the dark side of particles" Marco Zito Conference SCOR Paris auditorium, 5 April 2016
Marco Zito, a leading neutrino expert, has the rare gift of being able to explain the basic laws of the universe to the general public. For an hour and a half in SCOR’s Paris auditorium, he plotted the course of the world’s major discoveries, from the insights of Democritus to the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, using virtually no mathematical formulas!
Marco Zito is a physicist at the French Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe (Irfu) at the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA), where he studies the oscillations of neutrinos and the differences between matter and antimatter. For three years, he had a weekly column in the science supplement of Le Monde.