Fit Body, Sound Mind, Lower Claims

The Impact of Physical Activity on Mental Health and Its Application of Life and Health Insurance

Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall health and well-being. This realization has become more widespread during the pandemic period. With the world rapidly changing and instability on the rise, mental health continues to be a growing concern in society.    

The rising mental health issues are also affecting the insurance industry, as increasing claims on health and disability insurance are posing concerns for insurers. According to the OECD, mental illnesses are the leading cause of disability in Western nations, representing 30% to 40% of long-term sick leaves in Europe, at the cost of 4% of GDP, coming from poor health as well as loss of productivity. Are there any ways to reduce these claims and improve people’s overall mental health?  

In this article, we discuss one of the most effective and least invasive ways to promote mental health - increasing physical activity. While few would argue that exercise has a positive effect on people’s mental health, many would also agree that it is easier said than done. How can we help people get moving and feel better? By encouraging policyholders to utilize behavioral science techniques to engage in regular physical activity, insurers can not only contribute to the overall well-being of their policyholders but also potentially reduce the number and severity of mental health-related claims.  

The article covers the state of the current global mental health crisis and how incorporating behavioral science-based approaches can help people achieve successful and continuous physical activities to benefit their mental health, leading to reduced insurance claims.



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