Diving Deeper - Understanding Scuba in Underwriting

Extreme Sports - An Underwriting series

Humans have always been fascinated by what is just out of reach, so it is no wonder that the depths of the ocean have mesmerized us for centuries. Scuba diving as we now know it first appeared in the mid-1900s and technological advances have continued to revolutionize the sport ever since. 


As many as nine million people worldwide are estimated to be currently certified to dive, which means it is likely a life insurance underwriter will come across an application from a diver at some point during his or her career. But how well do underwriters truly understand the risks associated with the sport? 


This first article in SCOR’s Extreme Sports series will take readers on a deep dive into the world of scuba, examining the training and safety standards required to dive, the risk of injury while diving, risks associated with preexisting conditions, and other important considerations underwriters should have in mind when considering a diver’s application. Along with the author’s insights, gained from firsthand experience as a diver and underwriter, this article offers a global perspective on underwriting divers with input from SCOR’s underwriting and medical experts around the world.


We invite you to follow this series as we tour the world of extreme sports, tapping into SCOR’s network of expert insurance professionals – and amateur athletes – whose passion and knowledge allow SCOR to break through common misconceptions and offer a better understanding of the true risks surrounding extreme sports for amateurs, professionals, and – occasionally – even spectators. We will also explore the most recent trends and the implications of new medical developments, predict how a changing climate and other evolving factors might impact these sports, and highlight the hidden links between Life and Health and Property and Casualty coverage in the world of extreme sports.

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Scuba Diving
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