SCOR Sweden Re awards its 5th annual Actuarial Prize at the Nordic Life Insurance Conference in Stockholm

The 5th SCOR Sweden Re Actuarial Prize was awarded to Länsförsäkringar Fondliv Actuary Masar Al-Mosawi, during the Nordic Life Insurance Conference in Stockholm on October 12, 2018.

The winning paper “An Extension of Generalized Linear Models for Dependent Frequency and Severity” deals with a subject that many have tried to describe, but few have managed to handle in such an elegant way. Masar’s educational writing style really made his paper stand out from the other entries.
Masar Al-Mosawi, winner of the SCOR Sweden Re 2018 Actuarial Prize 
Masar gave a presentation on his winning paper during the conference - click here to read it.
The prize was awarded by Gunnar Andersson, representative of the Swedish Actuarial Association, Malcolm Newman, Managing Director of SCOR’s EMEA Hub, and Svein Børre Solvang, CEO of SCOR Sweden Re
Each year, SCOR rewards the best academic work in the field of actuarial science with prizes in several countries throughout the world. These prizes, some which are financed by the SCOR Foundation for Science, are designed to promote actuarial science, to develop and encourage research in this field, and to contribute to the improvement of risk knowledge and management. They are recognized in the insurance and reinsurance industries as a mark of excellence. 
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