This SCOR Paper, an overview of the winning dissertation at the 2015 French Actuarial Awards, aims to design a catastrophe model for the risk of frost in France.
This Technical Newsletter shows how the development of intelligent machines will affect many aspects of our daily lives and behavior and transform the world of insurance and reinsurance.
SCOR is pleased to announce that Laurent Rousseau will become Deputy CEO of SCOR Global P&C and will join the Group's Executive Committee effective April 1, 2018.
SCOR is pleased to announce that Laurent Rousseau will become Deputy CEO of SCOR Global P&C and will join the Group's Executive Committee effective April 1, 2018.
SCOR is pleased to announce the release of the 2017 Activity and Corporate Social Responsibility Report
SCOR's latest publication examines both the opportunities and challenges that AI will bring to all parties in the insurance ecosystem.
Between October and December 2017, 5 of the 20 most destructive wildfires in California’s history occurred.
Junaid Seria looks back on 2017, a record year for devastating weather events in The Actuary, the magazine of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries.
This Technical Newsletter shows how the development of intelligent machines will affect many aspects of our daily lives and behavior and transform the world of insurance and reinsurance.
The incident, publicly disclosed in December 2017, occurred when hackers successfully infiltrated the critical safety systems of an unidentified industrial facility, reported to be located in Saudi Arabia.
Spanish version - IDI is a product that has already been adopted by many countries around the world, and is currently in the process of being implemented by many others.