Accessibility statement
SCOR undertakes to make its internet, intranet and extranet sites accessible, in accordance with Article 47 of French law n° 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.
To this end, it is implementing the strategy and actions detailed on this page.
This statement of accessibility applies to http://www.scor.com.
Conformance status
www.scor.com does not conform to the French General Accessibility Improvement Framework RGAA version 4.1.2 (Référentiel général d’amélioration de l’accessibilité). Non-conformances and possible exemptions are listed below.
Test results
The conformance audit conducted by Boscop shows that:
- 38.02% of the RGAA criteria is met.
- The average online-service conformance rate is 67.85% (optional information).
Inaccessible content
The content listed below is inaccessible for the following reasons. Non-conformance
This list only contains those non-conformities deemed the most impactful, and those with a significant presence in the sample pages. The complete audit results can be made available on request.
- Some informative images do not have a relevant text alternative
- Some decorative images are not ignored by assistive technologies
- Some images requiring a detailed description do not have one
- Some images containing text could be replaced by CSS-styled text
- Some image captions are not correctly implemented
- Some in-line frames have no title
- Some text and interface components have insufficient contrast ratios with their background or adjacent colors
- Some videos and audio-only content lacks text transcription or audio description
- Some videos are not clearly identifiable
- In some tables, header cells are not always correctly tagged (as column or row headers)
- Table titles are not always correctly implemented
- Some links have missing or irrelevant headings
- Some rich or JavaScript components are not compatible with assistive technologies
- Some alternatives to rich components are not relevant
- Some page titles are not sufficiently explicit
- Some text passages are in English, with no indication of the language change in the source code
- Some tags are only used for presentation purposes
- Some titles are not correctly implemented
- Some lists are not correctly implemented
- Some quotations are not correctly implemented
- When styles are deactivated, some content disappears or is no longer properly understandable
- Style sheets are not always used to control the presentation of information
- The tab order of elements is not always consistent
- Focus indicators are impaired for several site elements
- Some form fields have labels that are missing, poorly implemented, or irrelevant
- Some form field groupings are not correctly implemented
- Some form buttons have titles that are not explicit enough
- Input control is not always correctly used in forms
- Some user data fields lack assistive technology autofill
- Some information is provided by the visual elements on the page
- Tooltips cannot always be displayed and controlled using the keyboard
- Some documents are not accessible and do not have an accessible version
- Some content is no longer visible at 200% zoom
- Some content is not visible in responsive mode at 320px width
- The skip link is not working
Disproportionate burden exemptions
Content not subject to accessibility requirements
Establishment of this accessibility statement
This statement was drawn up on September 2, 2024
Technologies used to create the website
- JavaScript
- CMS: Drupal
User agents, assistive technologies and tools used to verify accessibility
Content rendering checks were conducted with the following configurations:
- Firefox and NVDA
- Safari and VoiceOver
- Firefox and Jaws
The following code checking tools were used to verify conformance with RGAA tests:
- Colour Contrast Analyser
- "Web Developer" plugin
- "Assistant RGAA" plugin
- "WCAG Contrast checker" plugin
- "ARC Toolkit" plugin
- "HeadingsMap" plugin
- Firefox’s built-in developer tools
- W3C HTML validator
Site pages checked for conformance
- Homepage
- List page
- List page 2
- Content page
- Content page 2
- Content page 3
- Contact form
- Search results
- Page with data
- Content page with dynamic timeline
- Content page with complex image
- Page with interactive map
- Content page with charts
- Content page with links list
- Content page with dynamic charts
- Content page with chart images
- Page with all types of blocks
- Legal notice page
Feedback and contacts
If you are unable to access any content or service, you may contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.
- Send a message using the contact form and select “Accessibility” under “Select a field”.
- Contact SCOR’s Communications department.
This procedure should be used in the following instance.
You have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that is preventing you from accessing content or services on the portal, and you have not received a satisfactory response.- Send a message to the Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits) (via the contact form)
- Contact the Defender of Rights delegate in your region (https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/saisir/delegues)
- Send a letter by mail (free of charge, no stamp required) to:
Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse
71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07 - Contact the Defender of Rights by telephone: +33 (0)9 69 39 00 00
Our ongoing efforts to bring the SCOR.com website into compliance
You can view the multi-year plan and the action plan by clicking on the button below
- FR
- EN