December 8, 2017 — 00:00

Se l’incidenza delle valvulopatie è poco rilevante osservando la popolazione in generale, attestandosi al 2,5% circa, fra i pazienti di età superiore a 75 anni la percentuale sale al 10 - 15%.

Expert views

During her presentation titled “Longevity: recent trends and the role for (re)insurers to meet the challenges” at the SCOR Conference 2017, Daria Ossipova, Head of Health and Longevity R&D at SCOR Global Life, add

December 6, 2017 — 00:00

Biography of Daria Ossipova, Head of Health and Longevity R&D at SCOR Global Life

December 6, 2017 — 00:00

Presentation of Daria Ossipova about “Longevity: recent trends and the role for (re)insurers to meet the challenges” at the SCOR Annual Conference SCOR.

Expert views

Michal Zajac, Senior Economist at SCOR, published in the French review “Risques” a global overview of the specificities and challenges of space insurance.