June 1, 2012 — 00:00

Urological cancers, i.e. of the kidney, bladder and prostate, have an estimated incidence of about 100,000 new cases each year in France.

June 1, 2012 — 00:00

Urological cancers, i.e. of the kidney, bladder and prostate, have an estimated incidence of about 100,000 new cases each year in France.

June 1, 2012 — 00:00

Urological cancers, i.e. of the kidney, bladder and prostate, have an estimated incidence of about 100,000 new cases each year in France.

June 1, 2012 — 00:00

Urological cancers, i.e. of the kidney, bladder and prostate, have an estimated incidence of about 100,000 new cases each year in France.

May 3, 2012 — 00:00

SCOR records net income of EUR 104 million in the 1st quarter 2012, confirming the dynamism of its franchise. SCOR Global Life Embedded Value grows by 50% to EUR 3.3 billion.