February 22, 2017 — 07:06

SCOR records strong net income of EUR 603 million, increases its dividend to EUR 1.65 per share and envisages share buy-backs

February 22, 2017 — 06:52

Jahresergebnis 2016 - SCOR erzielt Konzernergebnis von 603 Millionen EUR, erhöht Dividende auf 1,65 EUR und beabsichtigt Aktienrückkäufe

February 22, 2017 — 06:48

SCOR records net income of EUR 603 million, increases its dividend to EUR 1.65 and envisages share buy-backs

Press Releases

SCOR Global Life announces the following promotions: Brona Magee is promoted to the newly created role of Chief Actuary; Brock Robbins is promoted to Deputy CEO - Americas; Tammy Kapeller is promoted to Head of US Mar

Press Releases

In September 2016 SCOR started to test Blockchain technology, which is essentially a secured distributed database (ledger) shared by all parties to an exchange, and launched a Technical Accounting Blockchain Proof of