SCOR Global Life, a subsidiary of SCOR SE, has entered into a VIF (Value of In-Force) monetization transaction with Mediterráneo Vida, a Spanish insurance company fully owned by Banco Sabadell.
Marie-Laurence Bouchon has joined SCOR as Head of Group Communications. Based in Paris, she is responsible for coordinating all facets of Group communication, both external and internal.
Marie-Laurence Bouchon has joined SCOR as Head of Group Communications. Based in Paris, she is responsible for coordinating all facets of Group communication, both external and internal.
SCOR Global Life, a subsidiary of SCOR SE, has entered into a longevity transaction with the UK-based insurer Aviva.
SCOR Global Life, a subsidiary of SCOR SE, has entered into a longevity transaction with the UK-based insurer Aviva.
SCOR's annual results of 2013.
SCOR’s 2013 Registration Document (“Document de Référence”) was filed with the French financial market authority, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), on 5 March 2014.
SCOR’s 2013 Registration Document (“Document de Référence”) was filed with the French financial market authority, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), on 5 March 2014.
SCOR posts record net income of EUR 549 million and an ROE of 11.5% in 2013, and proposes a dividend of EUR 1.30 per share.
SCOR posts record net income of EUR 549 million and an ROE of 11.5% in 2013, and proposes a dividend of EUR 1.30 per share1
SCOR posts record net income of EUR 549 million and an ROE of 11.5% in 2013, and proposes a dividend of EUR 1.30 per share1