The 1/1/2011 renewals demonstrate SCOR’s ability to implement its strategic plan “Strong Momentum”: confirmed technical profitability and 13% premium growth
The 1/1/2011 renewals demonstrate SCOR’s ability to implement its strategic plan “Strong Momentum”: confirmed technical profitability and 13% premium growth.
En la primera parte de este documento se ofrece un panorama de diferentes estudios publicados sobre las causas del descenso de la mortalidad.
Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Studien, die sich sowohl mit den Ursachen der höheren Lebenserwartung als auch mit der beobachteten Konvergenz der Lebenserwartung in Industriel
he first part of this document provides an overview of various studies that focus on the causes of mortality improvements as well as of the observed convergence of life expectancies.
On 21 December 2010, the Mexican Ministry of Finance granted SCOR Global Life SE a licence to set up a representative office in Mexico, under the name of SCOR Global Life SE Oficina de Representación en Mexico.
SCOR Global Life opens a new office in Mexico and reinforces its organisational structure in Latin America, a rapidly growing Life reinsurance region.
SCOR Global Life opens a new office in Mexico and reinforces its organisational structure in Latin America, a rapidly growing Life reinsurance region
SCOR Global Life opens a new office in Mexico and reinforces its organisational structure in Latin America, a rapidly growing Life reinsurance region.
SCOR Global Life, SCOR’s Life reinsurance branch, has signed a partnership agreement with the Pierre and Marie Curie University in France, in order to support research into the auto immune deficiency virus (HIV) led b
SCOR Global Life, SCOR’s Life reinsurance branch, has signed a partnership agreement with the Pierre and Marie Curie University in France, in order to support research into the auto immune deficiency virus (HIV) led b