In the context of SCOR’s preparations for its development over the next few years, and as part of the implementation of the Optimal Dynamics plan, SCOR is changing the responsibilities within its Executive Committee b
We show that once interfamily exchanges are considered, Beckerís rotten kids mechanism has some remarkable implications that have gone hitherto unnoticed.
Details about the liquidity account at 31 December 2013 and of the last half-year statement.
Details about the liquidity account at 31 December 2013 and of the last half-year statement
The choice of the rate at which one should discount the long-term benefits of mitigating climate change is highly controversial.
SCOR has successfully placed a fully collateralized sidecar which will provide the Group with an additional three-year capacity of USD 55.5 million from a new panel of investors.
SCOR has successfully placed a fully collateralized sidecar, Atlas X Reinsurance Limited (Atlas X), which will provide the Group with an additional three-year capacity of USD 55.5 million from a new panel of investors