February 22, 2017 — 07:06

SCOR records strong net income of EUR 603 million, increases its dividend to EUR 1.65 per share and envisages share buy-backs

February 22, 2017 — 06:52

Jahresergebnis 2016 - SCOR erzielt Konzernergebnis von 603 Millionen EUR, erhöht Dividende auf 1,65 EUR und beabsichtigt Aktienrückkäufe

February 22, 2017 — 06:48

SCOR records net income of EUR 603 million, increases its dividend to EUR 1.65 and envisages share buy-backs

February 7, 2017 — 00:00

SCOR Global P&C shows 5.4% premium growth at the January renewals at constant exchange rates, from EUR 3.0 billion to EUR 3.2 billion.

February 7, 2017 — 00:00

Spanish version: Renovaciones de SCOR Global P&C a 1 de enero de 2017 En las renovaciones de 1 de enero de 2017, SCOR Global P&C registra un crecimiento de primas del 5,4% a tipo de cambio constante, pasando d