SCOR supports actuarial science by presenting Actuarial Awards in five countries in 2020

Every year since 1996, SCOR has rewarded the best academic work in the field of actuarial science with annual prizes in several countries throughout the world. 


These prizes are designed to promote the development of actuarial science, to encourage research in this field, and to contribute to the improvement of risk knowledge and management. The SCOR Actuarial Awards are recognized in the insurance and reinsurance industries as a mark of excellence. The Actuarial Awards in France are supported by the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science.
The SCOR Actuarial Awards juries are composed of internationally recognized researchers and insurance, reinsurance and finance professionals. The winners are selected for their command of actuarial concepts, the quality of their analytical methods, and the originality of their research in terms of scientific advances and potential practical applications to the world of risk management.
In 2020, SCOR presented Actuarial Awards in five countries around the world: Sweden (October 9), Germany (November 11), the UK (November 26), France (December 10) and Italy (December 18).

Denis Kessler, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of SCOR, comments: “The SCOR Actuarial Awards have been rewarding original work by young actuaries from around the world for more than 20 years. The SCOR group is proud to actively support new thinking on risk analysis and management while promoting the emergence and recognition of young talent. These awards reflect our long-term commitment to research and are fully in line with the work of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science.”


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Presentation of the SCOR 2020 Actuarial Awards

On October 9 in Sweden, Svein Børre Solvang, CEO of SCOR Sweden Re, and Erik Havreng, representing the Swedish Actuarial Association, presented the Actuarial prize for Sweden during the SCOR Sweden Re Life Insurance Webinar 2020. The prize was awarded to Sandra Brännstam, a consultant at EY, for her dissertation “Calibration of SCR according to the standard formula applied on Swedish population data - based on Lee Carter modeling”.

On November 11 in Germany, Frieder Knüpling, Chief Risk Officer of SCOR, presented the Actuarial Awards for Germany during a virtual ceremony. The 2020 winners were Dr. Martin Bladt of the University of Lausanne, for his dissertation “Statistics of extremes, matrix distributions and applications in non-life insurance modeling”, Bassant Abed of the Technical University of Munich, for her dissertation “Customer Churn Prediction in the Insurance Sector Using Machine Learning Methods”, and Dr. Johannes Schupp of the University of Ulm, for his dissertation “Trend Processes in Mortality Models and Management of the Longevity Risk”. 

On November 26 in the UK, the SCOR UK Actuarial Awards Jury, led by the Andrew Smith, Assistant Professor at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin (Chair of the Jury), met virtually to select the winner. The 2020 prize went to Maximilian Moriarty of University College Cork, for his dissertation “A Mortality Experience Study for Evaluating the Longevity Risk of an Annuity Product”, which was supervised by Linda Daly.

On December 10 in France, Denis Kessler, Chairman & CEO of SCOR, and André Lévy-Lang, Chairman of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science, presented the 2020 Actuarial Awards for France during a virtual conference, in conjunction with the French Institute of Actuaries. Hamza Hanbali, of the Université Catholique de Louvain, received the Prix des Jeunes Docteurs for his thesis “Systematic Risk in Long-Term Insurance Business”. The Prix des Jeunes Actuaires was awarded to Dimitri Delcaillau of the Euro-Institut d'Actuariat Jean Dieudonné (EURIA) for his dissertation “Contrôle et Transparence des modèles complexes en actuariat” (Control and transparency of complex models in actuarial science”). Clara Adiceom, of ESSEC Business School, received a special mention for her dissertation “Optimisation de la stratégie de majoration des primes de contrats d’assurance habitation au terme” (Strategic optimization of premium increase in household insurance upon renewal).

On December 18 in Italy, President of the jury Professor Nino Savelli, of Milan’s Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and Alessandra Zorza, Market Manager at SCOR Global Life, presented the 2020 Actuarial Awards for Italy during a virtual ceremony. The awards went to Stefano Cotticelli and Alberto Zanotto, both of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), for their respective theses “Market and non-life premium risk in a dynamic insurance portfolio” and “Optimal reinsurance treaties: assessment of capital requirement and profitability for a multi-line insurer” 



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