SCOR proposes a dividend of EUR 0.80 per share

The SCOR SE Board of Directors will propose to the Combined Annual General Meeting due to take place on 7 May 20081 the distribution of a dividend per share of EUR 0.80 (for consolidated SCR FR0010411983 shares and EUR 0.08 for non-consolidated SCO FR0000130304 shares).

The SCOR SE Board of Directors will propose to the Combined Annual General Meeting due to take place on 7 May 20081 the distribution of a dividend per share of EUR 0.80 (for consolidated SCR FR0010411983 shares and EUR 0.08 for non-consolidated SCO FR0000130304 shares).
This dividend will be paid in cash on 14 May 2008, subject to the approval of the Combined AGM and the decision of the SCOR SE Board of Directors, which will be taken once the AGM has concluded.


1 Publications in the Bulletin des Annonces légales obligatoires (French official bulletin of legal notices): Announcement of Meeting on 2 April 2008 and Convening Notice on 21 April 2008. 

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