SCOR announces further Group appointments demonstrating a swift and efficient integration process

Following the announcement of the new SCOR Group Executive Committee on 4 September 2007, SCOR announces further key positions.

Following the announcement of the new SCOR Group Executive Committee on 4 September 2007, SCOR announces further key positions.
On the Non-Life side, headed by Victor Peignet as Chief Executive Officer and Benjamin Gentsch as Deputy Chief Executive Officer, the Global P&C management positions relating to P&C Treaty Worldwide, Specialty Lines, Business Solutions and cross-sector functions, have all been assigned as follows:
  • As far as P&C Treaty Worldwide is concerned, Yvan Besnard heads this line of business reporting directly to Victor Peignet. A Chief Underwriting Officer (“CUO”), reporting to Yvan Besnard, is appointed for each of the three global regions: Umberto Gavazzi is in charge of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Henry Klecan is responsible for the Americas on an interim basis, and Ben Ho is responsible for the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Specialty Lines & Business Solutions is headed by Benjamin Gentsch, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of SCOR Global P&C. Reporting to Benjamin Gentsch are: Emmanuel Fierens, Chief Underwriting Officer for Specialty Lines and Head of the Business Solutions division comprising Natural Resources, Industrial & Commercial Risks, Alternative Risk Financing and Cedant Facultative Services; Paul Hertelendy, Chief Underwriting Officer for Specialty Lines and Head of Agriculture, Marine & Energy, Engineering and US Cat business; and Alan Grant, CEO of the London-based operations, incorporating the management of Joint Venture businesses including Lloyd’s and SCOR contingency business.  Benjamin Gentsch is also overseeing Credit & Surety (CUO Patrick Barrault), Aviation (CUO Andrea Sommerlad), Space (CUO Didier Parsoire) and Inherent Defects Insurance (CUO Jean Tuccella). 
  • The cross-sector functions within the Non-Life business are allocated as follows: Andreas Zdrenyk, Chief Operating Officer; Tony Neghaiwi, Chief Pricing Actuary; Erik Rüttener, Head of Risk Modelling & Global Natural Hazards; Bernd Langer, Chief Risk Officer; Hedi Hachicha, Head of Strategy & Development / Markets, Products & Clients; Christian Delannes,  Chief Financial Officer; Sylvie Van Viet, Head of Underwriting Management and Pierre Charles, Head of Claims & Commutations. 
  • The Chief Executive Officers for the five main Global P&C hubs are as follows: Victor Peignet for Paris, Benjamin Gentsch with Andreas Zdrenyk as Deputy CEO for Zurich, Dietmar Zietsch for Cologne, Henry Klecan for New York and Ben Ho for Singapore.
On the Life side, reporting to Uwe Eymer and Gilles Meyer, respectively Chief Executive Officer of SCOR Global Life and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of SCOR Global Life and Head of Business Unit 1 in Paris, are Norbert Pyhel, Head of SCOR Global Life’s Business Unit 2 in Cologne, Yves Corcos in charge of Business Unit 3 in Dallas and Simon Pearson heading Unit 4 in London. Christian Mainguy is responsible for all business services at SCOR Global Life’s Business Unit 1 in Paris.  Marc Archambault is the Head of Overseas Markets within this Business Unit, and Gilles Thivant is Head of Latin Markets.
At SCOR Group level, the new Head of Investor Relations, Rating Agencies and Capital Management is Marco Circelli, who is reporting to the Group Chief Financial Officer, Paolo De Martin. 
Reporting to Paolo Varisco, Head of Group Internal Audit, are Philippe Béraud and Alexander Malik, Deputy Heads of Group Internal Audit in Paris and Zurich respectively, and Maher Kaml-Rizk, Head of IT Audit.
Godefroy de Colombe is appointed Integration Officer.
Beat Werder is appointed Chief Communications Officer reporting to François de Varenne, Group Chief Operating Officer. Reporting to Beat Werder are Christine Schindler and Arnaud Maurel, Communications Officers based in Zurich and Paris respectively.
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