Half-year 06/2011 statement of the liquidity contract between SCOR SE and EXANE BNP Paribas

Details about the liquidity account at 30 June 2011 and of the last half-year statement.

As per the liquidity contract granted by SCOR SE to EXANE BNP PARIBAS, as at 30 June 2011 the following assets appeared on the liquidity account:
  • 438,070 SCOR SE shares, and
  • EUR  5,215,170.
As a reminder, as of the last half-year statement (31 December 2010), the following assets appeared on the liquidity account:
  • 544,140 SCOR SE shares, and
  • EUR 2,542,490*.

* Contribution of EUR 3,000,000 on 17 March 2009.

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