SCOR shareholders are hereby informed that an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders will be held on Thursday, 26 April 2007at SCOR’s head office, 1 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92 800 Puteaux at 11:00 AM (Paris time).
Shareholders will be called upon to decide upon the adoption of resolutions allowing the implementation of the strategic decision taken by the Board of Directors, confirmed during its meeting on 15 March 2007, to combine SCOR and Converium in order to create the fifth largest global reinsurer, focused on the European and Asian markets, well balanced between its Non Life reinsurance and Life reinsurance businesses, benefiting from an increased level of solvency and a strengthened earnings capacity.
The meeting notice (avis de reunion) was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires on the 19 March 2007 and contains the agenda and the text of the draft resolutions which are being submitted to the vote of SCOR shareholders.
Shareholders can obtain the preparatory documents within the legally stipulated deadlines by writing to :
Renaud Morin Madriotti
1 avenue du Général de Gaulle
92074 Paris La Défense Cedex