2006 Annual Turnover SCOR + Revios Pro Forma: EUR 4 057 Million at current exchange rates

Annual Results 2006.

The SCOR Group acquired the Revios Group on the 21st of November 2006.  The following figures present (1)  the figures for the SCOR Group on a like-for-like basis compared to the 31st of December 2005 (excluding Revios) and those of Revios and (2) the turnover of the new Group thus formed, on a Pro Forma basis, defined as the addition of the respective 2006 turnovers of the two entities.
For the year 2006, the gross premiums written by the SCOR Group on a like-for-like basis compared to the 31st of December 2005 amounted to EUR 2 794 Million, an increase of 16.1% compared to 2005 at constant exchange rates.
For the year 2006, the gross premiums written by the Revios Group amounted to EUR 1 263 Million, an increase of 1.8% compared to 2005 at current exchange rates.
For the year 2006, the gross premiums written by the SCOR and Revios Groups, on a Pro Forma basis defined as the addition of the respective 2006 turnovers of the two entities, amounted to EUR 4 057 Million:
  • Of which EUR 1 754 Million for Non Life reinsurance, an increase of 26.8% compared to 2005 at current exchange rates
  • Of which EUR 2 303 Million for Life reinsurance, an increase of 1.6% compared to 2005 at current exchange rates.
For information, the turnover of SCOR for the year 2006 including Revios just for the time period extending from the 21st of November 2006 (legal acquisition date) to the 31st of December 2006 amounted to EUR 2 935 Million.


SCOR 2006 annual turnover press release
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