SCOR Life & Health Innovation Podcasts: exploring technological transformation in the (re)insurance industry

Technology is currently transforming the insurance and reinsurance industry. How is it shaping the future of Life & Health (re)insurance?

SCOR Podcast

To answer this question, over the past few months Bernd Müller and Nia Escobar-Kölle, of SCOR Life & Health Ventures, have embarked on a series of interviews with business founders, researchers, investors and experts to gain their insights. The result is an ongoing series of podcasts looking at exciting technology and how it impacts the (re)insurance industry and the global Life & Health ecosystem. Introducing the Life & Health Innovation podcasts, accessible via Spotify and other platforms.


“The insurance industry has traditionally been perceived as ‘cumbersome’ and ‘complex’, and yet we are seeing an increase of extraordinary individuals and companies who are challenging those perceptions,” explains Bernd Müller, Head of SCOR Life & Health Ventures. “The idea behind this podcast series is to share the discussions our innovation teams are regularly having with the actors making such a positive impact on our industry.”   


Available online through, the latest episode in the series explores how American startup Wellth is using behavioral economics to support habit-creation in patients with chronic diseases, to increase care plan adherence, reduce readmissions, and generally have a better quality of life. 


With new episodes on a regular rhythm, upcoming topics covered in the series include exploring how quantum computers support drug development, and how telemedicine is challenging the infamous “Dr. Google” in underserved populations in Latin America. Other episodes cover areas as diverse as virtual reality surgery, health coaching, Alzheimer’s disease and InsurTech in Europe and Israel.


“Breaking down complex topics like medical imaging or quantum computing allows us to share the significant relevance that innovation brings to our industry and guide listeners through diverse journeys through the insurance value chain. Today, more than ever, we need to ask ourselves not why, but how we can support innovation in our organization. Our guests offer a fascinating and energetic perspective on how to move forward” says Nia Escobar-Kölle, podcast host and Ventures Analyst at SCOR Life & Health Ventures. 


To listen to the Life & Health Innovation Podcasts, visit where you can find the podcasts in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and other platforms.


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