Life Insurance: Making a Difference in the Fight against Cancer


Group of medical professsionals

Most of us have been touched by cancer in some way. Whether personally or through friends and family, we’ve experienced the anxiety of a cancer diagnosis, journeyed through treatment, or lived in the aftermath.

The history of cancer is certainly a mixture of success and unfinished business. Improved outcomes and decreasing death rates are offset by the harsh reality that millions of people are still dying every year. But the tide is turning, and medical developments are continuing to advance toward eliminating cancer in our lifetime. All sectors – public, private, and academic – have a role to play through technology, research, and application.

This article explores movements and innovations that are creating new momentum in the fight against cancer and the role that life insurance can play going forward in cancer prevention, early detection and treatment.

Executive Vice President
Titre du bloc
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Life Insurance Making a Difference in Fight Against Cancer cover image
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