2024 European captives analytical review of Solvency II reports

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The Analytical Review of Solvency II Reports is an exclusive quantitative overview of European captives owned by large industrial and commercial companies. It is powered to you by SCOR and designed to serve as a benchmark and a reference for captive professionals. 

Among over 400 licensed European insurance or reinsurance companies acting as captives, the SCOR P&C Alternative Solutions team has run a statistical analysis of all the European P&C Captives that have recently released a “Solvency and Financial Condition Report” (SFCR) and belong to a known industrial or commercial company.  The study analyses each captive and parent company domicile, breakdown of premium, assets and reserves by line of business or category, solvency ratios and capitalization. It also provides statistics at the industrial sector level. 

The sample is refreshed every year to provide a unique European benchmark.

Headshot of Julien Mattei of SCOR
Alternative Solutions Underwriter, Paris
Titre du bloc
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